Positive Natsume!

Positive bot for Sakasaki Natsume from Ensemble Stars!!

Posts automatically in English and Tagalog approx. every hour. Manual tweets on other times!

Watch out! I will say it only once. Some tweets are political. Make sure you are comfortable with that. If not in English, Natsume might translate it if you’re nice.

followbacks manual for public, let him know if he missed you. won’t req private ones.

will interact when @ed, indirected, or replied to, or out of the blue. let him know if it’s uncomfortable. mod is easily distracted—be forgiving!

feel free to DM for any reason. Natsume is best at Tagalog or English but will switch languages if he sees your native one is a language he knows!

mod is male and a minor, use he/him if necessary.

Tags triggers as [ TRIGGER ].

Things tagged: suicide, death, self-harm, dysphoria (incl. body parts), medicine, food, ocd, covid-19, unsanitary humour, bright red, flashing lights, DHMIS time song. LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE!

Cannot tag: politics, Natsume’s speech patterns, all caps, keysmashing, PDA.

( Made with Carrd )